Emily and I met on LinkedIn. Here is her inspiring post. If you are in the throes of a job search, I hope that you’ll find inspiration here! I love how Emily shares thanks with her mentors and those who believe in her.
To everyone out there searching for a job right now—I know it can be tough, so tough, but you’re not alone.
There’s a reason you’re not getting that job. Maybe you need to brush up on some skills first, or the job isn’t what it seems, or your experience doesn’t exactly match the company’s needs.
Or maybe, it’s because there’s something better out there. Something better matched to you, your unique skills, and your passions.
While living in Costa Rica for the last 6 months, I searched for full-time remote work daily. I sent out hundreds of resumes and cover letters, but nothing seemed to be working out. I started questioning all the success I’ve ever had—was it all a joke?
(TIP: Write down your successes. The facts. What you’re proud of about yourself and your work. Every time you’re feeling down and rejected, read it out loud to yourself.)
On my last day at 4:30am, I received an offer letter from 12 Tides – Organic Kelp Snacks. Finally, it made sense why every other opportunity didn’t work out. 12tides and I have the same life mission—to make a positive impact on our oceans.
We can’t always know why we’re not getting the job. All we can do is navigate the waiting period the best we can—stay positive, keep growing, and prepare ourselves for the right opportunity when it presents itself. Because it will!
I’m incredibly honored to take my daily efforts of sustainable living to the next level with 12 Tides – Organic Kelp Snacks, a #bcorp, and in the top 1% for the planet. I’m absolutely stoked to be a part of their team.
And I’m excited for you, and your next opportunity. I hope that my story shines a very bright light at the end of your tunnel. Times are tough; we’re not post-pandemic yet. Hang in there. You’ll make it!
PS: A huge thank you to Brand Buddha—who listened to my ideas, trusted me with an incredible amount of responsibility, provided so much space for growth, and always believed in me. I am so grateful for my experience there. Also thank you, Nicole Friedman, for your support and wisdom always.
#firstdayofwork #interviewtips #covidjobsearch #jobsearch2021